New E-book

How to get hacked

Learn the most common mistakes leading to data breaches, their repercussions, and how you can avoid them.

Did you know that in 2023, the average cost of a data breach was $4.45 million? That number stems from an average of 61 data breaches that year, largely due to errors in access management, cryptography, and data retention and deletion.

However, most data leaks are caused by a failure to implement fundamental cybersecurity best practices across the organization.

This e-book from the WinZip® Enterprise team provides expert insights fueled by the unfortunate fact that cybercrime has become a profitable business. Cybercriminals are constantly working to hone their craft and take advantage of the newest technologies and techniques.

You’ll discover:

  • The major risks associated with poor data security.
  • Top 13 ways to ‘get hacked’.
  • 5 Best practices to protect your organization’s critical data.
  • How to enhance data security with one simple solution—WinZip.

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