Companies face various cyber threats, including those that originate both inside and outside of the organization. WinZip® Enterprise offers a range of features to enable secure document storage and sharing, painless backups, and intuitive cloud management. Learn how WinZip Enterprise can help to manage your organization’s exposure to cyberattacks.
Malware can steal sensitive information or encrypt it as part of a ransomware attack.
WinZip Enterprise protects sensitive data against theft or encryption by ransomware.
Phishing attacks attempt to trick users into clicking links or opening malicious attachments.
Integrated cloud storage reduces the need for insecure document sharing.
Stolen credentials can be used to access corporate accounts, data, and resources.
WinZip Enterprise can encrypt individual files or directories with a unique password, limiting the impact of compromised user credentials
Third-party software may contain exploitable vulnerabilities or malicious code.
Encrypting individual files and folders with unique passwords limits third-party software’s access to potentially sensitive data.
Insecure emails and attachments may leak sensitive data to unauthorized users.
WinZip Courier enables painless encryption of files shared as email attachments.
Employees set weak passwords or use them across multiple online accounts.
WinZip Enterprise admins can specify rules for passwords used to encrypt files with WinZip.
Data lacks proper access controls or encryption at rest and in transit.
WinZip Enterprise offers built-in support for data encryption as well as compression for data at rest or transferred via email attachments.
Backups are not created regularly, are inaccessible, or are vulnerable to tampering.
WinZip Enterprise offers automatic backups of files to a user or enterprise-specific location.
Security settings are misconfigured or disabled, leaving systems insecure.
WinZip Enterprise enables admins to configure it at installation, preventing costly configuration errors.
Lost or stolen USB drives or other removable media expose sensitive data.
WinZip SafeMedia* enables painless full-disk encryption of removable media
*Available for purchase as a separate product.